Ready for a little fun? How about a contest?

A contest in which you make suggestions for tabletop games. (Board games, card games, and dice games, etc.)

We propose that just about anything can be part of a game.

Think about it.

Did dice always exist? No.

And neither did playing cards, folding game boards, or sand timers.

Everything had a beginning.

And sometimes an end – especially if they didn’t catch on.

So, …

Why not introduce something new?

Give it a spin.

Try it on for size.

And we’ll award prizes to the people that help us do just that – try new things. Introduce new ITEMS in games.

Let me tell you about the contest:


  • We will award 3 prizes to the people that make the best suggestions:
  • 1 – $10.00 prize (1st place) and 2 – $5.00 prizes (2nd and 3rd place).
  • These prizes will be in the form of Amazon electronic gift certificates.


  • We have been designing games for several years now, we currently own a game design company, and we have decades of experience in businesses that we have formerly been or are now currently involved with. This includes the production and manufacture of salable goods as well as other forms of business.
  • This is our first contest so we (Don and Joelle Sheridan of Black Harbor Games) will judge the contest ourselves with assistance from local volunteers as needed.
  • And we play games.
  • Those are some of our qualifications.

Summary of Contest Rules

  • The contest is free to enter (no charge)
  • You must make your submission through our website using the form below
  • 1 submission per person (so give it some thought)
  • Not more than 2 or 3 suggestions per submission
  • Your entire submission must not exceed 350 words (1 side of a page)
  • All entries must be legible, understandable, and written in English
  • Please type your submission or have someone type it for you (but then, … you’re online, Right?)

Your task? (Should you decide to accept this assignment.)

  • Write an explanation of how you would use the ITEM in the photograph in a game.
  • That’s it. Simple. Jot down your ideas. Or write them as brilliantly as you like. It’s up to you.


A package of 20 bamboo chopsticks (and you must use at least 1 piece in your game)

The contest opens today, January 21, 2019
It ends February 15, 2019 at midnight, EST.
All submissions must be received before the deadline.
Feel free to submit any questions you may have through our website. We’ll be happy to answer you.
Have fun! We’re all set to start the contest.

Terms of the Contest


  • Black Harbor Games (owned and operated by Donald G. Sheridan at 201 E. Jefferson Street, Suite #205 Syracuse, NY 13202) is the sole party responsible for the lawful operation of this contest.

  • Any person who is living in the continental United States (lower 48 states) and is a citizen or legal resident of the United States and is 18 years old or older (or has reached the age of maturity as defined by their state of residence, whichever is older) may submit an entry to this contest.

  • Each contestant must acknowledge that entry in the contest constitutes permission to use their name, the name of the town or city and state where they live, the text of the entry they submitted, and the content of their entry for advertising and/or other commercial purposes.

  • Each participant must read and agree to the rules of the contest, acknowledge that they have done so, and acknowledge that the decisions of the judges are final.

  • Each participant must acknowledge that the contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with Facebook. (where this contest is also being advertised and promoted)

  • Each participant must also agree to hold harmless and otherwise give a complete release of Facebook and all parties associated with Facebook from liability. (ditto)

  • Each participant must must agree to hold harmless and otherwise give a complete release of Black Harbor Games and all parties associated with Black Harbor Games from liability.


Black Harbor Games will be judging the contest on the following 40 point basis :

  • Originality ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) Low to High
  • Creativity ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) Low to High
  • Feasibility ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) Low to High
  • Projected Production Cost ( -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 )
    -1 = Least Prohibitive and -10 = Most Prohibitive
  • Perceived Commercial Value ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) Low to High
  • the Communication of Ideas ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) Low to High
  • and, of course, Fun ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) Low to High

Ties :

In the event of a tie between 2 or more contestants, the judges reserve the right

  • to enlist local gamers as auxiliary judges and/or

  • to poll website visitors to determine a winner and/or

  • to award equal prizes to all tied parties.

Announcement of Winners :

  • The judging process is expected to last about 2 weeks beyond the end of the contest and we plan to announce winners on or about March 1, 2019
  • A list of winners will be posted on our website

Statements you make about yourself by entering the contest:

  1. I hereby certify that I am a citizen or legal resident of the United States living in one of the lower 48 continental states and that I am 18 years old or older and have reached or exceeded the age of maturity as defined by my state of residence.
  2. I hereby acknowledge that my entry in the contest constitutes permission to use my name, the name of the town or city and state where I live, the text of the entry I submitted, and the content of my entry for advertising and/or other commercial purposes.

  3. I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to the rules of the contest and I further acknowledge that the decisions of the judges are final.

  4. I hereby acknowledge that the contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with Facebook. (where this contest is also being advertised and promoted)

  5. I hereby agree to hold harmless and otherwise give a complete release of Facebook and all parties associated with Facebook from liability. (ditto)

  6. I hereby agree to hold harmless and otherwise give a complete release of Black Harbor Games and all parties associated with Black Harbor Games from liability.

Filling out the contest form below means you have read and agree to the terms of the contest (above)

15 + 5 =


Feel free to submit any questions you may have through our website’s contact page.

We’ll be happy to answer you.