
Of Superman and Apple Sauce

Of Superman and Apple Sauce

In the beginning there was Superman, the human ideal, the Übermensch. Strong. Fast. Absolutely unassailable. A hero among men. And yet, he was just too good to be true. He couldn’t be wounded, never tired, and, well, he could fly. Who or what could defeat...

Game Sense, What It Is And Why You Need It

Game Sense, What It Is And Why You Need It

Game sense is the seemingly innate ability that some people have when it comes to game balance. They instinctively know what will work and what won't. What is too much and what is not enough. Maybe it’s a myth, but I've seen it with my own eyes. And I, for...

The Thrill Of Victory – Having What It Takes To Win

The Thrill Of Victory – Having What It Takes To Win

It’s the bottom of the ninth and your team is behind by two. The bases are loaded and you’re in the box. The count is 2 and 2 with 2 outs and Blazing Thomas has hit his stride. You’ll never get a piece of his fastball. Have you ever been right there? Right...

The Agony of Defeat – Taking a Loss in Stride

The Agony of Defeat – Taking a Loss in Stride

Remember when you were six and you got your first pair of hoop earrings? The ones with the colored glass beads that you really loved? Sure you do, you still have them tucked away in that box of treasures that traveled with you to high school and then on to...

I’ve Got a Secret – 3 Times To Play Close To The Vest

I’ve Got a Secret – 3 Times To Play Close To The Vest

At Conception – when your idea is still only half formed, During Incubation – while your dream is still wet behind the ears, and Whenever “PREMATURE REVELATION” flashes before your eyes in all caps. Let's take a look at each of these cases in turn: 1). Any...

Geek Speak 101: Board Game Math, A Historical Perspective

Geek Speak 101: Board Game Math, A Historical Perspective

Do you remember the eighth grade? That cute blonde that sat right behind you but one row over? You know, the one with a brother already in high school and two sisters in junior high? Yeah, that one. Let's call her Virginia. Virginia saw you looking back at...

So, You Went and Lost All Your Marbles…

So, You Went and Lost All Your Marbles…

There you were, poised and ready, your old aggie on your thumb. The Thompson twins were there by your side rooting you on and across the circle was the enemy, Big Pete and his brother, Toothless Rufus. The score was about even. You’d knocked his red...

The 7 Tenets of Inspiration

The 7 Tenets of Inspiration

In order to breathe life into your work you must follow the same guidelines as you would with physical breathing. Here’s a checklist for those of us that don’t consciously think about what we do when we breathe. Or, more to the point, what we might do when...

Tired of using spare change as counters in your games (and later spending your game pieces)? Use poker chips instead.

— Sam from Houston, TX

Contest Winner!

Our "How Can You Use Chopsticks in a Game" contest has ended and we have a winner. See our blog post for details.